north korea sanctions what countries adhere to it

History and listing of economic sanctions imposed on Democratic people's republic of korea

A number of countries and international bodies take imposed sanctions against North korea. Currently, many sanctions are concerned with Due north Korea's nuclear weapons plan and were imposed later on its first nuclear examination in 2006.

The Us imposed sanctions in the 1950s and tightened them further after international bombings against South Korea by N Korean agents during the 1980s, including the Rangoon bombing and the bombing of Korean Air Flight 858. In 1988, the United States added Democratic people's republic of korea to its list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Sanctions against North Korea started to ease during the 1990s when South korea'due south then-liberal government pushed for appointment policies with the North. The Clinton administration signed the Agreed Framework with North Korea in 1994. However, the relaxation was short-lived; North Korea continued its nuclear program and officially withdrew from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003, causing countries to reinstate various sanctions. UN Security Council Resolutions were passed subsequently North korea conducted nuclear tests in 2006, 2009, 2013, 2016, and 2017. Initially, sanctions were focused on trade bans on weapons-related materials and goods but expanded to luxury appurtenances to target the elites. Farther sanctions expanded to embrace fiscal assets, banking transactions, and general travel and merchandise.[i]

Supranational bodies [edit]

European Marriage [edit]

The European Spousal relationship has imposed a series of sanctions confronting North Korea since 2006. These include:[2]

  • embargoing artillery and related materials.[ii]
  • banning the export of aviation and rocket fuel to North korea.
  • banning the trade of gilt, precious metals, and diamonds with the North Korean government.[2]
  • banning the import of minerals from North Korea, with some exemptions for coal and fe ore.
  • banning the export of luxury goods.[2]
  • restricting financial back up for trade with Democratic people's republic of korea.[ii]
  • restricting investment and financial activities.[2]
  • inspecting and monitoring cargoes imported to and exported from North korea.[2]
  • prohibiting sure North Korean individuals from entering the EU.[3]

On 21 September 2017, EU banned oil exports and investments in Due north Korea.[4]

United Nations Security Council [edit]

A North korea cargo ship at the dock in Nampo

The UN Security Council has passed a number of resolutions since North Korea's first nuclear test in 2006.[5]

  • Resolution 1718, passed in 2006, demanded that Democratic people's republic of korea cease nuclear testing and prohibited the export of some military supplies and luxury appurtenances to North Korea.[six] [2] The UN Security Quango Sanctions Committee on North Korea was established, supported by the Console of Experts.[7] [8] [nine]
  • Resolution 1874, passed after the 2d nuclear test in 2009, broadened the arms embargo. Member states were encouraged to inspect ships and destroy whatever cargo suspected of being related to the nuclear weapons plan.[two] [5]
  • Resolution 2087, passed in January 2013 after a satellite launch, strengthened previous sanctions by clarifying a country's right to seize and destroy cargo suspected of heading to or from Democratic people's republic of korea for purposes of military enquiry and evolution.[2] [five]
  • Resolution 2094, passed in March 2013 after the 3rd nuclear test, imposed sanctions on money transfers and aimed to close North korea out of the international fiscal system.[2] [5]
  • Resolution 2270, passed in March 2016 after the fourth nuclear examination, further strengthened existing sanctions.[10] It banned the export of gold, vanadium, titanium, and rare earth metals. The export of coal and atomic number 26 were too banned, with an exemption for transactions that were purely for "livelihood purposes."[eleven] [5]
  • Resolution 2321, passed in November 2016, capped North korea'south coal exports and banned exports of copper, nickel, zinc, and silver.[12] [thirteen] In February 2017, a Un console said that 116 of 193 member states had not yet submitted a written report on their implementation of these sanctions, though Cathay had.[fourteen]
  • Resolution 2371, passed in Baronial 2017, banned all exports of coal, atomic number 26, atomic number 82, and seafood. The resolution besides imposed new restrictions on North korea's Foreign Trade Bank and prohibited any increment in the number of North Koreans working in foreign countries.[15]
  • Resolution 2375, passed on 11 September 2017, express North Korean rough oil and refined petroleum product imports; banned articulation ventures, textile exports, natural gas condensate and liquid imports; and banned North Korean nationals from working abroad in other countries.[16]
  • Resolution 2397, passed on 22 December 2017 afterward the launch of a Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile, express North Korean crude oil and refined petroleum production imports to 500,000 barrels per year, banned the export of food, machinery and electrical equipment, called for the repatriation of all North Korean nationals earning income abroad within 24 months. The resolution besides authorized fellow member states to seize and inspect any vessel in their territorial waters establish to be illicitly providing oil or other prohibited products to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.[17]

United Nations agencies are restricted in the aid they can give to North Korea because of the sanctions, but they can assist with nutrition, health, water, and sanitation.[eighteen]

Nations [edit]

Australia [edit]

Australia has imposed a series of sanctions against North Korea since Baronial 2017.[nineteen] The Australian Defence force Forcefulness periodically deploys ships and shipping to contribute to efforts to enforce the sanctions against North Korea through Performance Argos.[xx]

Cathay [edit]

In February 2017, China banned all imports of coal from Democratic people's republic of korea for the residual of the year.[21] China also banned exports of some petroleum products and imports of textiles from Democratic people's republic of korea in line with United Nations resolutions.[22]

Nippon [edit]

In 2016, Japan imposed sanctions against Democratic people's republic of korea including:[two]

  • banning remittances, except those made for humanitarian purposes less than ¥100,000 in value.[2]
  • prohibiting North Korean citizens from inbound Japan.[2]
  • renewing the ban on Due north Korean ships inbound Japanese ports and extending information technology to include other ships that have visited North korea.[2]
  • banning nuclear and missile technicians who take been to North korea from entering Japan.[23]

Russian federation [edit]

On xxx March 2010, President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree implementing intensified United nations Security Council sanctions against Pyongyang'south nuclear programs. The presidential decree banned the purchase of weapons and relevant materials from the DPRK by government offices, enterprises, banks, organizations and individuals currently under Russia'south jurisdiction. It also prohibited the transit of weapons and relevant materials via Russian territory or their export to the DPRK. Any financial assist and educational training that might facilitate North Korea's nuclear program and proliferation activities were also forbidden.[24]

In December 2013 Russia joined the sanctions confronting Democratic people's republic of korea, introduced in March by the UN Security Quango (Resolution 2087). The corresponding decree signed by President Putin specified that Russian companies were prohibited to provide North Korea whatsoever technical assistance and advice in the development and production of ballistic missiles. In addition, Northward Korean naval vessels to call at Russian ports would be required to undergo inspection. Also, the authorities ordered to be vigilant when dealing with North Korean diplomats.[25] [26]

In October 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Presidential decree (ukaz) No. 484 "On measures to implement UN Security Quango resolution 2321 of November 30, 2016" imposing sanctions on Northward Korea in connection with the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 2321 of 30 Nov 2016.[27] The decree supplements a number of applications, including a list of individuals and legal entities associated with the Due north Korean nuclear plan or its ballistic missile program, which are bailiwick to restrictions. The measures provided for by Security Council resolution 2321 introduce additional bans on trade, economic, banking, fiscal, scientific and technical cooperation with North Korea. In the merchandise and economic field, the buy of copper, nickel, silver and zinc from the North Korea is prohibited. At the same time, the exception provided for by UN Security Council resolution 2270 of two March 2016 is retained for the project for the transit of Russian coal through Russian Railways through the North Korean port of Rajin for subsequent export to third countries. In improver, scientific and technical cooperation with the participation of persons or groups representing North Korea should be suspended, with the exception of exchanges in the field of medicine. In add-on, targeted restrictions are expanding on a number of Northward Korean individuals and legal entities, as well equally lists of products, including "luxury goods", the import and export of which is prohibited to and from Due north Korea. In addition, expanding the list of dual-use goods and other items whose import into the DPRK is prohibited due to their potential use for nuclear missile plan of the state and other actions that violate the Due north Korean sanctions government. The document also provides for a complete ban on the import of textile products from Democratic people's republic of korea. Additional restrictions on cooperation in the send sector were introduced in the decree: the delivery of new helicopters and ships to N Korea became prohibited; all seagoing ships owned or controlled past the North Korea should be removed from state registration; North Korean aircraft and ship inspection measures were tightened on the territory of Un member states.[28]

South Korea [edit]

In 2010, Due south Korea imposed sanctions against North Korea in response to the sinking of the South Korean naval transport, the ROKS Cheonan, known as the May 24 measures. These sanctions included:[2]

  • banning North Korean ships from South Korean territorial waters.[two]
  • suspending inter-Korean merchandise except at the Kaesong Industrial Zone.[2]
  • banning most cultural exchanges.[2]

In 2016, President Park Geun-hye ordered the Kaesong Industrial Region to shut in retaliation for the nuclear test in January and the rocket launch in Feb.[ii]

In 2019, a UN console accused South korea of violating sanctions past non notifying the Security Council about its deliveries of petroleum products for use at inter-Korean joint liaison office.[29] Also in the Annex of the Updated Guidance on Addressing North Korea's Illicit Shipping Practices, issued by the The states Treasury, a send of South Korea was listed as that believed to have engaged in transport-to-ship transfers with North Korean tankers.[30]

Taiwan [edit]

In 2017 Taiwan also banned trade with North korea to comply with the United Nations resolutions, despite not being a member of the United nations. North Korea is Taiwan's 174th largest trading partner and imported The states$1.2 million and exported US$36,575 in goods from January to July 2017.[31] A twelvemonth later on, onetime Loftier Court judge Chiang Kuo-hua and his son, Chiang Heng had allegedly evaded North Korean sanctions by chartering a send to ship four anthracite coals from Vietnam that summer. Both of them and two other PRC nationals were accused of assisting terrorists and forging documents.[32]

U.s. [edit]

From 1950 to 2008, trade betwixt the United States and North Korea was restricted nether the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917. Later on 2008, some restrictions related to the International Emergency Economical Powers Act stayed in effect. In Feb 2016, the North korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act of 2016 (H.R. 757Pub.L. 114–122 (text) (PDF)) was passed which:[2]

  • requires the President to sanction entities found to take contributed to North Korea's weapons of mass destruction program, arms trade, human rights abuses, or other illegal activities.[2]
  • imposes mandatory sanctions on entities involved in North korea'southward mineral or metallic trade, which comprises a large part of North Korea'southward foreign exports.[two]
  • requires the The states Treasury to determine whether Northward Korea should be listed as a "master coin laundering concern," which would trigger tough new financial restrictions.[two]
  • imposes new sanctions authorities related to North Korean human being rights and cybersecurity abuse.

In July 2017, after the decease of tourist Otto Warmbier, the United States government banned US citizens from visiting Northward Korea without special validation starting one September 2017.[33]

In August 2017, the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act was passed.[34]

On 21 September 2017, President Donald Trump issued Executive Order 13810 assuasive the Usa to cut from its financial system or freeze avails of any companies, businesses, organizations, and individuals trading in goods, services, or technology with North Korea. Aircraft or ships entering Democratic people's republic of korea are banned from entering the Us for 180 days. The aforementioned brake applies to ships which conduct ship-to-transport transfers with North Korean ships. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin stated that "Strange financial institutions are now on notice that going forwards they can cull to do business with the United states or North korea, but not both." A statement from the White House said "Foreign financial institutions must cull betwixt doing business with the Usa or facilitating trade with North Korea or its designated supporters."[35] [iv] On 25 September 2017, the Us Treasury barred the entry of North Korean nationals to the United States.[36]

Following the abduction of a South Korean fishing vessel, additional sanctions were ordered by the Treasury on 26 October 2017, following a culmination of "flagrant" rights abuses including executions, torture, and forced labour. Vii individuals and three Northward Korean entities were affected by the sanctions.[37]

On eleven July 2018, during a meridian in Brussels, NATO leaders called for continued pressure and ongoing sanctions enforcement on North Korea. The grouping of 29 countries, including the U.s., signed a declaration which called on members to maintain force per unit area on North korea though too welcomed recent diplomatic progress in the region.[38]

On 13 Nov 2018, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe reaffirmed the need to keep sanctions on Due north Korea to achieve its denuclearization.[39] On xx December 2018, it was reported that the United States plans to review its ban on Usa travel to North Korea.[40]

U.S. President Donald Trump welcomed sanctions against North korea imposed by China and Russia.[41]

On 12 January 2022, the U.South. Department of the Treasury's Office of Strange Assets Control imposed sanctions on five Due north Korean officials accused of existence responsible for procuring goods for the DPRK's weapons of mass devastation (WMD) and ballistic missile-related programs.[42] In add-on, the Land Department ordered sanctions against some other North Korean, a Russian human and a Russian visitor for their broader support of North Korea's weapons of mass destruction activities.[43] [44] [45]

Evasion of sanctions [edit]

According to the United Nations Console of Experts in April 2019, Democratic people's republic of korea had developed a number of techniques and a complex web of organizations to enable information technology to evade the sanctions. The techniques included falsification of documents and covert transport-to-transport transfers of cargo at ocean.[46]

In May 2019, the United States announced it had seized a North Korean cargo vessel for carrying a coal shipment in defiance of sanctions. The Justice Department said the 17,061-tonne Wise Honest is one of the Due north's largest cargo ships and she was first detained by Republic of indonesia in April 2018 merely she was at present in the possession of the United States.[47]

In 2017 and 2018 so U.S. President Donald Trump accused Communist china and Russia of violating sanctions against North korea.[48] [49]

On February xi, 2022, Taiwanese shipping company Cheng Chiun Aircraft Bureau Co Ltd (CCSA) is reported to have covertly assisted North korea in providing oil to evade sanctions.[50]

Cess [edit]

A written report by the United Nations Console of Experts stated that North Korea was covertly trading in arms and minerals despite sanctions against this.[51]

The academic John Delury has described the sanctions equally futile and counterproductive. He has argued that they are unenforceable and unlikely to finish Northward Korea's nuclear weapons program.[52]

On the other hand, Sung-Yoon Lee, Professor in Korean Studies at the Fletcher School, and Joshua Stanton advocate continued tightening of sanctions and targeting Pyongyang's systemic vulnerabilities, such as blocking the regime's "offshore hard currency reserves and income with financial sanctions, including secondary sanctions against its foreign enablers. This would significantly diminish, if non altogether deny, Kim the means to pay his armed forces, security forces and elites that repress the North Korean public."[53] [54]

It is estimated past Kim B. Park of WHO panel that sanctions in 2018 resulted effectually 4000 preventable deaths due to delays in exemptions for programs past NGO's and the Un agencies that accept humanitarian programs in North Korea.[55]

The agricultural impact is highlighted in a report jointly made by the World Food Programme and the Food and Agriculture System. The report outlines the negative effects on irrigation and yield in food production due to restrictions in mechanism, spare parts, fuels and fertilizers.[56] [57]

References [edit]

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  2. ^ a b c d e f yard h i j thousand fifty m n o p q r due south t u v west ten Fifield, Anna (22 February 2016). "Punishing Democratic people's republic of korea: A Rundown on Current Sanctions". Washington Mail service. Archived from the original on 11 January 2017. Retrieved 26 March 2017.
  3. ^ Eu External Activeness (2016). "Fact Sheet:EU-Democratic people's republic of korea (DPRK) relations" (PDF).
  4. ^ a b Borger, Julian (21 September 2017). "Trump issues new sanctions on North Korea and claims Mainland china is following". The Guardian – via
  5. ^ a b c d e Davenport, Kelsey (i March 2016). "UN Security Quango Resolutions on North korea". Washington, D.C., USA: Artillery Control Association. Archived from the original on xv April 2017. Retrieved 23 Apr 2017.
  6. ^ "Security Quango condemns nuclear test by Democratic people's republic of korea". United nations. 14 Oct 2006.
  7. ^ "United nations Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 1718 (2006) - Work and mandate". New York, USA: United nations Security Council. Archived from the original on 8 Apr 2017. Retrieved viii Apr 2017.
  8. ^ Salomon, Salem (22 March 2017). "Sanctioned and Shunned, North Korea Finds Artillery Deals in Africa". Vox of America. USA. Archived from the original on 22 March 2017. Retrieved ii April 2017.
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  12. ^ Morello, Carol (30 November 2016). "UN caps Northward. Korean coal sales in bid to deprive it of hard currency after nuclear tests". Washington Postal service.
  13. ^ UN Security Council. "Security Council Strengthens Sanctions on Democratic Republic of korea, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2321 (2016) - With Secretary-General Hailing Measures as 'Toughest Ever', Some Warn against Armed services Build-upwards on Peninsula". United nations. Archived from the original on 12 Dec 2016. Retrieved 17 January 2017.
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  24. ^ Asia Times, Russian federation and the North Korean Knot.
  25. ^ "Россия ввела санкции против Северной Кореи". NTV. ii December 2013. Retrieved 4 March 2016.
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  29. ^ "United NationsS/2019/171: Final report of the Console of Experts submitted pursuant to resolution 2407 (2018)" (PDF). United nations Security Council Sanctions Committee on North korea. 5 March 2019. p. 153. Retrieved 26 August 2020.
  30. ^ "Updated Guidance on Addressing North korea's Illicit Aircraft Practices" (PDF). United States Section of the Treasury. 21 March 2019. p. 17. Retrieved ii September 2020.
  31. ^ "Taiwan bans all merchandise with North Korea nether UN sanctions". 26 September 2017.
  32. ^ Horton, Chris (31 January 2018). "Taiwan Citizens Accused of Violating U.North. Sanctions on Democratic people's republic of korea". The New York Times.
  33. ^ Torbati, Yeganeh; Lee, Se Immature (21 July 2017). "U.Due south. State Section to clamp ban on travel to North Korea". Reuters . Retrieved 21 July 2017.
  34. ^ Macias, Amanda; Turak, Natasha (4 Baronial 2017). "A look at the issues at pale ahead of Trump and Putin's summit". CNBC . Retrieved 14 August 2018.
  35. ^ Borak, Donna (21 September 2017). "North korea sanctions: Here's what Trump did".
  36. ^ "United states of america expands travel ban to include N Korea". BBC News. 25 September 2017.
  37. ^ "U.Southward. sanctions Due north Koreans for 'flagrant' rights abuse". Reuters. 26 October 2017. Retrieved 26 October 2017.
  38. ^ "NATO calls for continued sanctions pressure on North korea | NK News". xi July 2018.
  39. ^ [ dead link ]
  40. ^ US to reconsider travel ban to North Korea
  41. ^ "Trump calls helpful Russian, Chinese sanctions on Northward Korean border". TASS. 24 February 2019.
  42. ^ "US sanctions North Koreans, citing 'ballistic missile' tests".
  43. ^ "United states hits NKorean officials with sanctions after missile test". AP NEWS. 12 January 2022. Retrieved 12 January 2022.
  44. ^ "Non-proliferation Designations". U.S. Department of the Treasury . Retrieved 12 Jan 2022.
  45. ^ "Treasury Targets Democratic people's republic of korea Individuals Supporting Weapons of Mass Devastation and Ballistic Missile Programs". U.S. Section of the Treasury . Retrieved 12 Jan 2022.
  46. ^ Byrne, Leo (10 April 2019). "How North Korea's sanctions evasion at sea has evolved over fourth dimension". NK News.
  47. ^ "North korea's Kim orders stronger strike power; U.S. seizes cargo ship". Reuters. ten May 2019. Archived from the original on 10 May 2019. Retrieved 10 May 2019.
  48. ^ "Exclusive: Trump accuses Russia of helping North Korea evade sanctions; says U.S. needs more than missile defence". Reuters. 17 January 2018.
  49. ^ "Chinese ships defendant of breaking sanctions on North korea". Financial Times. 27 December 2017.
  50. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on xi February 2022. Retrieved 14 March 2022. {{cite spider web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy equally title (link)
  51. ^ Byrne, Leo (8 February 2017). "PoE says North Korea "flouting sanctions": report". NK News.
  52. ^ Delury, John (2 December 2016). "Democratic people's republic of korea sanctions: Futile, counterproductive and dangerous". CNN.
  53. ^ Lee, Sung-Yoon; Stanton, Joshua (15 January 2016). "How to become serious with Democratic people's republic of korea". CNN. USA. Archived from the original on xviii January 2017. Retrieved 18 January 2017.
  54. ^ Stanton, Joshua; Lee, Sung-Yoon (4 Jan 2016). "Beefiness Up Sanctions on Democratic people's republic of korea". The Wall Street Journal. USA. Archived from the original on 21 January 2017. Retrieved 18 Jan 2017.
  55. ^ "The Human Costs of United nations Sanctions and Funding Shortfalls for Humanitarian Assistance in Democratic people's republic of korea | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North korea". 22 August 2019.
  56. ^[ bare URL PDF ]
  57. ^ "Sanctions on Democratic people's republic of korea are Counterproductive". 26 November 2019.

Further reading [edit]

  • Chang, Semoon (2007). Economic Sanctions Confronting a Nuclear North Korea: An Analysis of Usa and Un Deportment Since 1950. McFarland. ISBN978-0-7864-5139-5.
  • Haggard, Stephan; Noland, Marcus (2010). "Sanctioning North Korea: The Political Economy of Denuclearization and Proliferation". Asian Survey. 50 (3): 539–568. doi:10.1525/equally.2010.50.three.539. ISSN 0004-4687.

External links [edit]

  • United Nations Documents for DPRK (Democratic people's republic of korea)
  • UN Security Council Commission Established Pursuant to Resolution 1718 (2006) (Reports issued by the UN Panel of Experts, established to support of the Sanctions Committee in conveying out its mandate as specified in paragraph 12 of resolution 1718)


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